I want to see characters per minute instead of words per minute. Can I change that?

In the world of typing speed measurement, the focus has traditionally been on Words Per Minute (WPM). However, as technology advances and user preferences evolve, the desire to see Characters Per Minute (CPM) instead has become a common query. This article aims to explore the reasons behind this preference and guide users on how to make the switch.

The Shift in Perspective

1. Understanding the Typing Landscape

As typing plays a crucial role in our digital interactions, measuring typing speed becomes essential. WPM has been the standard metric, but is it truly reflective of one’s typing efficiency?

2. Why Characters Per Minute?

  • Precision in Measurement: CPM provides a more granular view, capturing variations in typing speed that might be overlooked with WPM.
  • Coding and Special Characters: For programmers and professionals dealing with coding or special characters, CPM is a more relevant metric.

Exploring the Options

3. Typing Test Platforms: Can You Make the Switch?

  • Popular Typing Test Platforms: A review of widely-used platforms and their default settings.
  • User Settings and Preferences: Exploring if these platforms allow users to customize their preferences.

4. Adjusting Settings on Common Platforms

  • Typing.com: Step-by-step guide on changing settings from WPM to CPM.
  • Keybr.com: Understanding the customization options for typing tests.

The Technical Side

5. Technical Considerations for Developers

  • Implementing CPM in Typing Software: Insights for developers on incorporating CPM into their typing test applications.
  • User-Friendly Design: How user interfaces can be enhanced to accommodate CPM seamlessly.

Benefits of Making the Switch

6. Improving Typing Skills with CPM

  • Targeting Weaknesses: CPM reveals specific areas where typing speed might falter, allowing users to address weaknesses effectively.
  • Adaptability in Professional Settings: The advantages of CPM for professionals in diverse fields.

7. Enhancing Learning and Training Programs

  • Educational Institutions: How incorporating CPM into typing courses can offer a more comprehensive assessment of students’ progress.
  • Corporate Training Programs: Tailoring typing training programs to align with real-world demands.

Overcoming Challenges

8. Resistance to Change and Addressing Concerns

  • User Feedback: Common concerns raised by users and how to address them.
  • Educating Users: The importance of creating awareness about the benefits of CPM.

Future Trends

9. The Future of Typing Speed Measurement

  • Integration in Smart Devices: Will future keyboards and devices prioritize CPM over WPM?
  • Advancements in Typing Analytics: Predicting how typing analytics will evolve in the coming years.


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too should our approach to measuring typing speed. The shift from WPM to CPM is not just a matter of preference but a reflection of the changing demands in our digital interactions. Whether you are a user looking to make the switch or a developer seeking to enhance typing software, understanding the significance of Characters Per Minute is a step toward a more accurate representation of typing proficiency in the modern age.

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